VaLan Seminaari 1.4.
With data and insights to better donor communication
Aika: keskiviikkona 1.4. klo 8.30-16.00
Paikka: Sokos Hotel Tripla (Pasila), Fredikanterassi 1 B, Helsinki
Seminaari on peruttu. Ilmoitamme uudesta ajankohdasta myöhemmin.
Kevään aikana järjestetään alan koulutuksia, joihin voi osallistua etänä:
- 29.-30.4. Fundraising Online is a free online conference from the Resource Alliance
- 11.-15.5. Fundraising Everywhere Festival, the virtual fundraising conference created by fundraisers for fundraisers
Tutkittua tietoa tukijoista on mahdollista kerätä tänä päivänä laajasti ja hyödyntää sitä tehokkaasti. VaLan Seminaari "With data and insights to better donor communication" antaa järjestöille konkreettisten casejen kautta näkökulmaa siitä, miten onnistutaan lahjoittajasuhteiden hoitamisessa. Koulutus sopii yhteisöjen varainhankkijoille ja markkinoinnista sekä viestinnästä vastaaville. Seminaarin huippupuhujia ovat mm.:
- Mikko Hakkarainen (FIN) - "Marketing trends in 2020 and onwards"
Mikko is an awarded creative director from Finland's largest marketing comms agency Miltton. He has extensive experience in working with NGOs and creating engaging online phenomena around fundraising. Mikko has led the creative work in projects like CMI's Älä kerro Martille (Don't Tell Martti), The Red Cross Takeover and #PerNatsi. In his keynote we will hear thoughts on the trends that marketers can take advantage of in the new decade.
- Lesley Pinder (UK) - "Demystifying supporter insight: Top tools and tricks you can use to understand your supporters better and do something about it"
How do we gain insight in to what supporters feel in a useful way? How do we turn insight in to action? Combining the experience of customer experience, human-centred design, fundraising and innovation, this session will provide insight tools and techniques that all fundraisers can use to understand their supporters and what is important to them. As Head of Supporter Experience/British Red Cross Lesley will give you a tool bag of tricks you can start using to supercharge your fundraising straight away.
- Beate Sorum (NOR) - "Optimise your website for donations: The tips, tricks and designs that will bring in more money"
Beate runs fundraising agency b.bold out of Oslo, Norway. She’s a fundraising strategy all-rounder, but particularly specialises in digital fundraising: non-profit web design, content strategy and social media. In this session, you will learn how to prioritize content and how to make sure your web visitors take some kind of action once they are there.
- Astrid von Soosten CFRE (GER) - "Gaining insights from major donors"
Working with major donors is about respect and values. Providing a platform on which they can share with you what really matters to them will help avoid the hit and miss. More importantly your future donors will feel respected for who they are, what they bring and what motivates them.
Astrid joined Brakeley GmbH as a partner at the beginning of 2019. Previously, she led the Resource Development Department of the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), with six locations in five countries, and built up a fundraising department focused on major donor fundraising. Of the more than 20 years of her career as an active fundraiser, she has spent 10 years as a professional fundraiser in the US.
Seminaarin osallistumismaksut 220 eur (VaLan jäsenet) ja 320 eur (muut).
- Tule ryhmänä: Neljä osallistujaa samasta organisaatiosta kolmen hinnalla!
Osallistumismaksu sisältää lounaan sekä aamu- ja iltapäiväkahvit (mainitsethan erityisruokavaliosta ja allergioista).
- 320 euros and 220 euros (EFA members). Fee includes all meals (please inform if you have special dietary).
Oikeudet muutoksiin pidätetään. Huom. VaLan maksullisiin tapahtumiin osallistuminen on peruttava viimeistään kaksi viikkoa ennen tapahtumaa. Sen jälkeen perutusta ilmoittautumisesta peritään täysi osallistumismaksu. Jos et itse pääse paikalla, voit siirtää osallistumisen kollegallesi.