Maksuton webinaari 9.12.: The role of boards in fundraising

Aika: maanantaina 9.12. klo 14.00–15.00

Järjestäjä: Brakeley yhdessä VaLan ja Kulta ry:n kanssa.
ILMOITTAUDU mukaan tästä linkistä

Boards often play an important role in strategic fundraising initiatives. Governing boards who take an active role can transform fundraising success. Some organisations set up an external board for fundraising consisting of volunteers, who form a “campaign committee” or “external advisory board”.

During the webinar, we will get to hear from Lucy S. Blythe (consultant in Brakeley’s international network, based in UK).


Lucy will help us explore the role of boards in fundraising: how can they be engaged, supported and celebrated in this work, and what are the biggest challenges to getting them involved and inspiring them to help?

There will also be a panel discussion with Pia Tornikoski (Secretery General for Vastuullinen Lahjoittaminen VaLa ry) and Rosa Meriläinen (Secretery General for Kulta Ry) on how this topic relates to the charity and cultural sectors in Finland.


The webinar is free of charge, and will be held in English. We welcome all kinds of Nordic not for profit organisations: universities, charities/NGO:s, and the cultural sector. The webinar is relevant for all levels in the organisation; fundraisers, managing directors, and boards are all welcome.