VaLan Seminaari 26.4. - Takaisin tulevaisuuteen!
Aika: torstaina 26.4. klo 8.30-16.00
Paikka: Unioninkadun Juhlahuoneisto os. Unioninkatu 33, Helsinki
Uudet teknologiat, muuttuvat mediat, pienet budjetit, tunteelliset tarinat - saadaanko näillä tulosta varainhankinnassa? VaLan Seminaari "Takaisin tulevaisuuteen" tuo järjestöille uutta näkemystä miten onnistutaan lahjoittajien hankkimisessa ja palvelussa sosiaalisen median, sovellusten ja suoran kontaktoinnin aikakaudella. Kansainvälisinä puhujina seminaarissa ovat:
- Björn Lampe: "How technology continues to boost and change fundraising"
Technology-driven fundraising is taking innovations from all kinds of digital developments into consideration to boost donations. Björn will present examples from payment technologies to artificial intelligence and virtual reality in order to take a look into the not so far away fundraising future.
Björn Lampe is the CEO of betterplace.org, Germany's largest donation platform. Based in Berlin, Björn studied politics and worked for several NGOs before joining betterplace.org. He started using the internet in 1992 and is still convinced that it can do good.
- Simon Scriver: "Small Budget, Big Impact"
As a fundraiser, you’re the bridge between your donors, beneficiaries, co-workers, volunteers and the Board. With limited time and resources, how do you use your working week wisely? In this session we’ll look at how to make your time count: Things that matter to donors that don’t cost money. Simon will share practical ideas to increase your income that you can put into action tomorrow.
Simon Scriver is a professional fundraising consultant, coach, trainer, Board Member and practitioner. Simon has won Fundraising Ireland's 'Small Budget, Big Impact' and ‘Supplier Of The Year’ Awards. He is a TEDx speaker and has previously won the Toastmasters UK & Ireland International Speech Contest. A board member of a small non-profit ‘Making Connections’, he also sits on the Advisory Panel of Rogare, the international fundraising think tank, and is a member of the Institute of Fundraising and the AFP.
- Adrian O'Flynn: "Trust First, Fundraise Second - The Key to Digital Fundraising"
There's a tried-and-trusted approach to fundraising. It still works well in some channels, but fails miserably online. This isn't the internet's fault. It's our fault for expecting the world to work the way it did in 1968. This session is about a necessary paradigm shift. One I stumbled across while testing stories on Facebook. I believe it's the key to recruiting donors in the 21st Century. And it can be summarised in four words... trust first, fundraise second.
Adrian O'Flynn was the Digital Fundraising Manager at Concern Worldwide and now works with charities in Ireland, England and the US. He specialises in connecting donors to beneficiaries on Facebook. And, as his results will show, once some trust has been established, the fundraising can begin. His consultancy company is called Get Your Stories Straight.
- Mikko Laakso/Gainer: "Onnistuneen televarainhankinnan elementit" Kokemuksia järjestöjen kanssa tehdystä yhteistyöstä.
- Pinja Hirvilammi/UN Women: "Tukijoiden varainkeruukampanjat Facebookissa - ensikokemuksia ja odotuksia."
Seminaarin osallistumismaksut 190 eur (VaLan jäsenet) ja 290 eur (muut). Tule ryhmänä: Neljä osallistujaa samasta organisaatiosta kolmen hinnalla! Osallistumismaksu sisältää lounaan sekä aamu- ja iltapäiväkahvit. Ilmoittautuminen 13.4. mennessä vala(a)vala.fi.
Oikeudet muutoksiin pidätetään. Huom. VaLan maksullisiin tapahtumiin osallistuminen on peruttava viimeistään kaksi viikkoa ennen tapahtumaa. Sen jälkeen perutusta ilmoittautumisesta peritään täysi osallistumismaksu. Jos et itse pääse paikalla, voit siirtää osallistumisen kollegallesi.